BABY CHICKS HAVE ARRIVED! We know it’s been a long road to get here, but these sweet little chicks are ready to be taken home. Starting today, baby chicks are $9.89 each! Prices will go up as the chicks get older and require more food, space, etc. Stop by this weekend to pick yours up! 🐥🐥
A few things to remember when caring for baby chicks:
> heat or add a warming light if the temperatures drop below 70 degrees if outside or in a cold room
> when bringing them home, dip their beaks into water in their new enclosure
> feed chicks start and grow until they begin laying (somewhere around 5-6 months of age)
> keep away from full grown chickens until their full feathers have come in
> if its hot out give them chicken-safe electrolytes
> water must be kept very clean for the first month to prevent sickness
> manually check vents (butts) don’t get poop caked on them